
马来西亚华裔青年台湾观摩团Taiwan Kuanmootuan 2008

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


什么是非凡的事啊?一句话,我被打抢了。人家是先苦后甜,我是先甜后苦。我趁着学校一星期的study week,想在kl渡过,一半的时间要去放松,一半的时间要温习。第一天我跟plkn的朋友一起去timessquare…第二天跟另外一班的朋友,家乡的朋友啦,去看戏,FarenheitZambai吃寿司,去newayk,差不多7.30pm了,大家也就回家去了。我就回kepong去了。我见搭到直接到taman的巴士,就没叫姨丈来载我回家了。只是5分钟路程,我走得很快,我把包包抱在前面,我没察觉到我身后有辆摩多。我走着走着,在摩多上的人突然一手就抢走了我用了六年的包包。我一时都不知要怎样做,只是想到,对,alarm!!!还跟那个抢匪抢回那个包包,我捉到alarm,按了,但没人听到,那个包也断了,他抢到“好料”的部分,我抢到没料的部分咯,我拿得回alarm和包包的带而已。

那辆摩多是两个马来人,大概是中学生而已。像猪的永远还是像猪的,没能改变,太空闲了去抢别人包包。他摩多走了,我还大喊,追了几步过去。再过几步就到家里了,我在想要追那匪徒还是要回家啊,心想他们驾的是摩多,我跑不赢吧,我就跑回家了。打了电话给妈妈,他就说:“明天回家,做过文件,接下来的活动就不用去了”。惨了咯,本来跟朋友约好周末要去金马仑的,被迫取消了咯。整个study weekspoil掉了咯。在我包包里,的确太好料了啦,香港名牌包,提款卡,银行簿子,驾照,身份证,现金都飞掉了。。。。。。!!!!!!气死我了啦。平时我没带那个包包出门的,但偏偏那天倒霉咯。过后,阿姨就到了我去报警咯。报案要RM2,很好笑咯。但,重点是,从头到尾,我都没有受伤,是不幸中的大幸吧,是平时做一点点的好事,得回的一点点福报吧。当天晚上,我在面子书上写了个status:



那间事过了,睡一觉醒来后,我想了又想,就是很奇怪,他们是怎样从我手中抢到的?感觉就像好像有人在跟我玩酱子。为什么他们就那么容易抢到呢?本来如果我闪一店,他就抢不到了的,为什么我酱笨。真的是。又像,我平时是赛跑选手,为什么我不追上去呢,可能我是能追到的。人就是酱子,不会在最适和的场合上用自己的专长。也在想,我当时提了他的摩多的话,那就大结局了咯。真是有笨到的咯。。哈哈。一切都已经过去,我拿不回我的东西。如果时间能倒流,我才不会让他们那么好看。回家,我就做过了我全部文件。如今,我又在吉隆玻走来走去了。那天我又在面子书上打了个stutus: “又回到了复杂的吉隆玻”,有人回我: 是你头脑简单”. 其实啊,我在想:“不是我头脑简单,其实在我脑里,想的太多了,但我只选择相信人家”。这是对自己最好的待遇。


Written on 18.5.2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Marathon Race Tips...

1. Stay off your feet and legs the day before and morning of the race until it's time to warm up..

2. Stretch about 1 hour before. Jog about 5 to 8 minutes.

3. Be sure to go to the toilet for a final bowel movement.

4. Wear only what is absolutely necessary. Don't over dress. you should be cold at the start. Wear throw away tops, gloves and hat. A garbage bag is universal for wet or cold starts.

5. Wear running shoes that are light and well cushioned and have very few miles on them. Shoes that have been used just 6 to 13.1 miles (10 to 20 km) are perfect.

6. Vaseline on your arms, legs and face is a great substitute for heavy clothing on a cool day.

7. Wrap band aids around any blisters, jagged toe nails and of course, nipples.

8. Put your name or personal logo or whatever on your shirt for crowd support and motivation. They will get you to the promised land......I promise. (Of course......solid training and a smart pace won't hurt).

9. Line up at the start where you belong. Sign up to run with a pace team if they have them. Otherwise use the pace/ mile signs along the corrals. This way you can hook up with runners of like ability and they will help you through the course.

10. Take a plastic cup to the starting line in case you need a last nervous pee!

11. Take fluids at every water stop, even if it's just a few sips. On hot days pour water over your head. Keep pace to avoid collisions with other runners.

12. Run tangents, ie as straight line as possible but be very careful not to cut off other runners.

13. Run your pre-planned race strategy.....hitting your 5k splits...running equal 13.1 miles at as close a possible to the same times will keep you from that pain and agony from having gone out too fast.

14. Take an energy pack just before the start; at 9-10 miles (15 km); and 17-20 miles (20 km). I like GU but whatever you use will help.

15. If you get a cramp, stop and work it out and get back running as soon as possible. Especially on cold days you can tighten up fast.

16. If "it's not your day" for whatever reason, cut your loses and save yourself for another day or backup marathon. You will only risk aggravating an injury by being stubborn. (I should be reading this one).

17. Of course, take nice photos. That means look up and smile. Don't look at your watch. Those photos are too expensive not to have a good one. A nice photo will help forget the pain and remember the accomplishment.

18. Post race: rehydrate and refuel as soon as possible. Take a cool or even cold shower. Hot showers may feel good but cold is better for recovery. The next morning take a nice gentle jog of 40 to 50 minutes to work out the soreness and lactic acid in your muscles.

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