
马来西亚华裔青年台湾观摩团Taiwan Kuanmootuan 2008

Monday, August 8, 2011

Research on Pusat Marin UPNM

group's photo...

This time is different with other course work. We did a MOCK-UP study on Pusat Marin UPNM. A small lake is our compound to do our research. We use Pusat Marin as our study field to represent as the sea. For new student in this extent like us, maybe sea is too big area, so we just use a small lake. Our class divided into 4 groups and I’m one of the group leader.10 persons in my group. Seems like this is a very easy topic but a lot of things we need to do. This is not a basic assignment like usual, this research need many details information on our topics. Let’s kick start our work. At the pusat marin, we kayak to stroll along the whole pusat marin. We record down the important notes so that can make a real research. Kayak also one of the marine activities that bring a lot of fun to people.

Pusat Marin in UPNM

A boat that stanby for emergency use

Through the research, we learn about the water quality of Pusat Marin, types of algae and weed, food chain in a lake, flora& fauna in the lake, pollution of the lake, nature of bottom and many more. In our world, ocean stand for the bigger part, so when u look more detail in this studies field, you will feel that very interesting and too much of things we never know before. We use two days to close up with the small lake and prepare for the research report and presentation.

beautiful scenery at the lake

This project already done 2 months ago..now just have time to share this...

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